Dave Kronlage
Iowa Farmer

Here's what Dave had to say about using the SMART-TILL® on his field:

Dave Kronlage, an Iowa farmer, wanted to get away from a horizontal tillage implement (e.g., disc, chisel plow, or field cultivator), while using an implement that would not create a compaction layer. SMART-TILL® was exactly what he was looking for.

"The SMART-TILL® is an ideal implement to use after knifing in manure from our hog operation," Dave says. "It removes the roughness left in the field from the manure applicator."

"We use the SMART-TILL® to incorporate dry fertilizer in the early spring in a corn-on-corn field and then make another SMART-TILL® pass prior to planting," he adds.

Dave also noted that although there was a wet spring in the area, the water is still infiltrating the soil much better and he’s not seeing the soil erosion in the fields that he used the SMART-TILL® on.